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OLI Software
General Support It is not uncommon for a support call regarding an OliOffice issue to be found not to be a problem with OliOffice but with the general computer infrastructure.  Although we will always help to diagnose these problems they are not covered by the OliOffice Support Contract.  It is not unknown for our customers to find themselves caught between two service providers. in line with our one stop shop policy we have developed a variety of general support services designed to deal with this problem.  We can provide a combination of services that range from being your complete on-site IT department to being the experts in the background. The main elements of our service are; A HelpDesk  service via voice or remote access to the customer’s system.  In our experience the vast majority of problems (over 99%) are capable of being resolved this way. Remote Monitoring of servers providing pro-active  management of your servers included in the price. On-Site Days which can be used as urgent call out, preventative maintenance or general installation work.. A fixed annual price per server or workstation and onsite days discounted for volume. Annual Contract payable by monthly Direct Debit.
t: 0333 456 6606